Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Brave Little Toaster.....

This is a picture from the beloved movie "The Brave Little Toaster" that was released in 1988. I used to love this movie when I was a little girl. My mom "taped" it for us. LOL
If you have never seen it then you should really check it out! It's a really good movie! To really understand the full meaning of this blog you will need to know a little bit about this movie, so check it out here:

Well, it turns out I have my very own "Brave Little Toaster" :D .........................

I saved it! This toaster pictured above was inches away from the trash can, but I rescued it! It still works! This toaster was the toaster my parent's had when I was just a little girl.
I was standing on my tip toes to reach the button to toast my bread....... and my baby sister...... did the same just a few short years after me. I swear my parents probably never cleaned this old thing.
I was at Dad and Penny's house the other night and Penny said she was going to throw it out (even though it still worked) because it was old and the handle was broken. My heart shed a tear for the poor old thing....I jumped in front of it screaming at her "NO!!!! are you crazy!!! this is my childhood!!!!" We all laughed but then I really didn't have the heart to see it be thrown away in the trash.
My Dad has remodeled the entire house on 12898 Danya Dr. He has remodeled everything from the outside air conditioner unit stand to the ceilings painted throughout the house. There is hardly a single thing left in that house from his life before.... or our life before. The house looks amazing, but it doesn't feel like home to me anymore. All of the things that were from my childhood in that house have either been tossed out or put away in the hot attic. It's quite sad when I think of it like that.....but then again what am I expecting him to do....live with all that and not move on......I could never ask him to do that nor would I want him to. It's just one of those things in life.............
Any how, I decided I was taking this toaster home. If you have ever seen the movie "The Brave Little Toaster," then you will know this was one brave little toaster. When my Dad pulled it out of the cabinet it was still in the same place it had been, hidden away, for all those years at Danya. My Dad had all of the old cabinets pulled out and new ones resided where the old ones used to be. That tells me that at some point my Dad had to take that toaster out of the old cabinets and put it back into the new ones. I wonder if he thought about it........ I wonder if it made him remember the way it made me.......
I brought it home and cleaned it. I cried like a baby the whole time thinking that I might be washing away Katy's finger prints from when she was four years old, or my mother's. I know I am a loser....... but it just made me sad. Well, considering it's age...... I think it looks pretty darn good.............

****Side Note****
I wrote this blog on 5/25/2010, It was delayed in posting, because upon finishing it I got really ill and had to stop. Sorry, for the delay........ :)

Flowers at work....


Leandro is so anti-flowers, however, he brought me these babies at work today because he knew I was having a bad day!!!!! My heart just melted all over the place!!!! That is so incredibly sweet and thoughtful!!!!

A Weak Moment .....

I am very sad today. I have these weak moments from time to time. I am struggling with infertility and PCOS. I am on a diet trying to loose weight and taking my medicine...... hoping and praying that one day.....just maybe...... I will have a little one of my own and complete my family!
It's just hard is all. You think .......I have plenty of time......we have loads of time......but then I think of Stephen. All the time he should have had left, but didn't........ and it makes me sad.
Tonight I babysit Kaden. When I am bathing him I can't help but think I am stealing memories from Shelly. If she only knew what she was missing....... I wonder if she knows. I love listening to him talk to me.....about school, or saying "do we have to cut my toe nails tonight?"
It's just not fair how it's so easy for some people.... to have a child. I think of all the people who have abortions and it hurts my heart to think of that. I don't understand for the life of me how anyone could ever do that, especially when there are people like me who want one so bad and can't have one.
I am doing what my doctor said. I am on a low carb diet. I am taking my Metformin twice a day. He said he wants Leandro to take a sperm count test, before giving me fertility treatments. Leandro seems to think I don't need fertility treatments. He thinks we can get pregnant with just the Metformin. He goes back and forth whether or not he wants to take that test. So, without his participation....... all I can do is stay on my diet, take my medicine and pray.
I don't know why he doesn't want to do it. He says it's uncomfortable.... perhaps he scared. I don't know. He doesn't like to talk about it when I bring it up. When I ask him why he has a million reasons it seems...."it's costly......we don't need that test......it's uncomfortable.....you don't need fertility drugs.....you need to loose more weight.....we need to save some more money...."
Every video I looked up on youtube starts the same. "Hi my name is _______ I am over weight and I have PCOS and my husband and I are trying to conceive a baby."
It makes me feel better that I am not the only one, but I must confess I do feel alone. All of these women I read about, and watched their vlogs on youtube......all the success stories say "LISTEN TO YOUR DOCTOR........DO WHAT THEY SAY." Also, they are all talking about Clomid and how it helped them get pregnant. I keep looking for the one who says "I just took Metformin" but I can't find any. All of them are on Metformin and Clomid........
I wish Leandro would do what Dr. Andreaus said, but I can't force him to do something he doesn't want to do. I am so confused. The infertility bothers me so much and he looks so uncomfortable when I try and talk to him about it. It's like he feels like I am nagging him to some degree, or he just doesn't have any response at all. I need to talk to someone. Someone who can relate to me. Someone who will listen to me and my feelings and talk with me about it. I can't talk to my Dad about it because he just says "it will all work out." That doesn't exactly help me.
I would talk to my Mom but I don't want to bother her. She hasn't spoke to me since that night we talked and she made all those promises to be in my life. She wouldn't understand anyway. No one really understands. I feel so alone like there is no one I can go to. All of my friends either have kids or are pregnant. They don't really understand either. I feel like all I have is my fantasies and my dreams. I have dreams about having children.
One thing I am thankful for though is the time I get with Timothy and Kaden. I have a special bond with Kaden, and even though I will never be his mother..... I love him so very much, like my own and the same goes for Timothy.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

When you think Tim McGraw......

When Taylor Swift thinks Tim McGraw ...... she thinks her favorite song. When I think Tim McGraw I think of my Daddy!
Each of Tim McGraw's songs represents a time frame in my mind, and memories to go along with that. When I hear his music I hear my Daddy's voice singing to me!! That's one thing in this world I wish I could keep forever. I have always loved hearing my Daddy sing! I wish that he could leave it to me in his will.......his voice that is.
I have some pictures from when Katy and I were younger at MoMo's and all of us singing, Trevor too. I don't have them on me right now, but I will post them soon, so check back!!!

Here are a couple of my faveorite songs (Although I love them ALL) these are some of my faveorites!

Pictures coming soon!!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Ugh....Don't let the bed bugs bite???

OK, let me start off by saying the reason I posted this cartoon was because bed bugs are disgusting and I didn't want to post a picture of a bed bug. If you are curious as to what they look like you can Google them.
So, when your were little, did anyone every tell you "goodnight....don't let the bed bugs bite." Well, I always thought it was just a cute saying but turns out there is actually something called a bed bug. They are disgusting! The suck your blood! I know what your thinking, and I am NOT MAKING THAT UP! It's true!!

Here is the link to wiki to read up on them if you are interested:



So, I had some bites on my neck, it didn't look like any bug bites I had gotten before from just being outside. I was really concerned. I started looking online and was convinced some how Leandro and I were infested with bedbugs!!! Well, in case your wondering we are definitely not!!!! LOL

This is just an example of what happens when you lay on the couch and watch specials on TV about bugs and things and then have bites on your neck.

Before, I was even home from work I had already made an appointment with Terminex, ordered a new mattress and box springs from Sears, made arrangements to sleep somewhere else, and even picked up bedbug poison (rubbing alcohol) and a flash light for some detective work. I was armed and ready to tackle this problem. I was really freaked out. I like to call this the "web MD" condition.

Doctors hate "Web MD" because people lead to irrational conclusions about themselves..... hence, like with the bedbugs and me. Before I even made it home Leandro and I were both convinced we had them! I swear, lol sometimes the web is no good to go to for some things.

After I got home and did my detective work with poison in hand, we had NOTHING not one sign of a bed bug! LOL Oh, and last night I slept soo good..... work up this morning with no bites.... lol

From now on I don't think I will jump so fast to conclusions....... that's a good lesson for anyone LOL

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

My Pharmacophobia

Pharmacophobia: An exaggerated or irrational fear of drugs.

Yep.......that's me. I HATE taking medicine. What is it about it I hate you ask??? Everything! I hate everything from the smell, taste, the idea of HAVING TO TAKE IT!!! I know that it's all mental and stupid but I just HATE IT!

I am FORCING myself to get over this irrational fear, but it's kind of hard. I am writing everything down (like you would do for a child.) I am writing down what I take and when. While everyday I keep telling myself over and over ::YOU NEED THIS.....YOU NEED THIS...YOU HAVE TO TAKE HAVE THIS........YOU HAVE TO TAKE THIS::
I realize that makes me sound crazy but it seems to be working.........
****I posted this blog and didn't even mention my medication. I am having to take Metformin (glucophage) for my PCOS. I have to take two 500 MG tablets everyday for like........ the rest of my life. :( I hate the idea of HAVING to take something everyday... forever. It just sucks is all!
Also, in case you aren't aware of what PCOS is......read the information below.
Poly cystic ovary disease is a condition in which there are many small cysts in the ovaries, which can affect a woman's ability to get pregnant.
To read more about PCOS and it symptoms and effects please click the following link:
I do not suffer from all of the symptoms but a few.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Watch Closely Now.........

"Are you a figment of my imagination.......... Or am I a figment of yours?" These are the words of Kris Kristofferson. When I think of cool.............I think of Kristofferson. It doesn't get much cooler than him.

He reminds me of my Uncle Rocky when he was younger. Even though I wasn't born in the seventies........ I think Uncle Rocky and Kris Kristofferson favor one another. I imagine my uncle as being a much less cooler version of Kris..... no offense for my uncle.......but the coolness of Kris....well thats a lot to compete with. LOL
I was looking up pictures of Kris as he got older and I be damned if they still look like one another. .... LOL
I wonder if that was one of the things that first attracted Aunt Joanie to him....? I might ask her that one day....

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Memories....Mother's Day Part 2

You know, I was just thinking of my family. My Mom and Dad and my sister. I miss my family so much. I often think about what Momma and Daddy would be like today if they were still together. I can't believe I am almost thirty years old and I still cry over their separation.
Sometimes I close my eyes and I think of my life before.........
I think about Katy and I barefoot running around the little house on Danya Dr. I think about the clothes mom used to wear and Daddy too.
I can still remember all the dishes they had. I remember Mom had a set of ruby red dishes she got when she was just a little girl and where she used to keep them in the house. I remember the knobs in the tub in Katy and I's bathroom.... they are no longer there......
We had a green fridge. We had a cassette player/radio on the bar. Dad used to lean against the bar where it was with his legs crossed in his muscle shirt singing to all of us. He would sing George Strait..... me and Katy and Mom would applaud his beautiful voice.
These are my memories....but sometimes if I concentrate really hard I can really put myself there again. I get so desperate at times........ I would give up everything in my life for just one more day to sit on the floor in the kitchen looking up at my Daddy singing to me, or Momma painting my nails........ I feel like because of their divorce my time was cut short. I feel cheated!
I think a lot about Katy when she was little too! I remember her sweet little voice and the way she used to say my name. I miss her being little!
I remember one Mother' Day my Mom and Dad bought a Glider from Home Depot. My mom was so excited! She never really had anything like that before. Katy and I used to take naps on it outside during the Summer.
I just wish so bad......just for one more day...........just one!!!

Mother's Day......

Ahhh Mother's Day......celebrating motherhood and motherly bonding all over. Not to sound crabby......but this has to be my least favorite holiday! I know that sounds so terrible and selfish but it's true. I can't stand Mother's Day! Hopefully, one day that will change.
I have no children......and my mother and I don't exactly have the most wonderful relationship. I thought since our last conversation where we had that heart to heart things would be different this coming Mother's Day. However, nothing has changed. That phone call where we had that heart to heart, that was the last time we spoke. She has not called me since. :(
It just sucks........I hate Mother's Day. I have been avoiding leaving the house or even getting on facebook. I know that's stupid but two things that truly bother me is that I don't have any children and I wish so very badly that my mother had more to do with me.
I hate it when I walk in to a store and some kind person says "Happy Mother's Day mam" I always smile and say thank you, but by each person saying that it hurts a little inside. Also, I was going to go and see my mom today, but I am too upset. I text her, because I know if she answers my call and I hear her voice it will make me cry and I don't want to ruin her day. I am sure Katy is either there or will be later.......
When my mother and I had that talk she kept saying "I don't want you to think I am neglecting you and Leandro because Katy and Tim have a baby and you don't." I never even thought that but she kept saying it over and over and that sort of made me feel like she felt guilty because it is some what true....... I told Leandro about it and he said "that's exactly why." :(
I never even thought of that. I wish I could have a baby so bad. It's not easy for me....... nothing ever is, but I am sure everyone feels that way about everything. Dr. Andreaus says there is hope for me to get pregnant! I just have to take that medicine he gave me......... and hope!!
I promise if I ever get to be blessed with my own little one I will always be close to them and love them and want to be in their life always. Even if I am thirty before I ever get to have one.... I don't care...... I just hope is all........ I hope so much!!
Well, since I am not really celebrating anything today I might as well and head to work. I told CJ I didn't mind working......
I don't think anyone reads my blogs but if you are reading this and your a mom....... Happy Mother's Day!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Fueding Friends From the Middle Child's Perspective......

Pictured above.......April, me and Ashlie LOL!!!

Man oh Man oh Man oh Man!!!!!! WHEW!!!! LOL! Today has been something! Let me give you all the guts of this story........

OK this story first starts off a while ago when the three of us decided to have a girl's night out. We went to Chili's in Denham and then we were heading to a bar called Rick and Robin's (I kept calling it Rock in Robins...he he he he he .) Well, to keep this long event a bit on the short side I will sum this part up.....here's the gist of it.....Ashlie didn't like Rick and Robin's and wanted to bale to do something else with Jeremy and Breanna and left...yadda yadda yadda.....which was un-cool and she knew it when she did it! Needless to say, April and I had a great time together that night and I feel like Ashlie missed out. However, not to long after that night had come and gone, Ashlie felt bad for leaving, as I feel she should have and texted me and April and apologized. I instantly forgave her, because she has been my friend for years and is like family to me. Maybe I am too easy to forgive....... perhaps I'm not, I don't know but that's what I did right or wrong.
Well, this really hurt April a lot, and understandably so. Ashlie apologized to April as far as I know and April said she is OK but she isn't. She is going through a lot right now poor darlin! Perhaps she told Ashlie she is OK to avoid a confrontation..... or because she didn't feel like dealing with it.....or maybe she thought she was OK at the time when Ashlie asked.....who knows? Well, this was pretty much just left to hang out to dry when it was all over.

So....in the mean time ...................

This past Tuesday Ashlie bought pizza kits for the kids (Kaden, Jack and Korah.) As far as I know Ashlie invited April and Korah as did I. April declined. I believe this was an attempt on Ashlie's part to reach out to make an effort to show April how she can be a better friend to her.
April and Korah had stopped by the house Tuesday afternoon before Ash and Jack got there. I tried to get her to stay but she wanted to go home. She said she was tired which I can definitely relate to. Before her and Korah left April wanted to make plans for the kids to play together on Thursday at McDonald's. I said yes!!!
Ash and Jack then got there and we had a blast. Before Ashlie left.... she asked me what I was doing on Thursday, because she knows I keep Kaden on Tues., Thurs., and Sundays. I had told her about the plans April and I had made and she asked me if I minded if her and Jack tagged along. I said of course not but she might want to check with April first because it was her idea. She said OK and she was on her way..........

Today, Ashlie text April with no response about McDonalds. Ashlie's feelings were hurt, I am sure, because she is really trying hard to make an effort to be a better friend not only to April but I think to me as well. I feel like everyone deserves more than one chance, but I think April is still hurt from the last time, and can't deal with anything new right now because she is depressed and going through a lot. I understand that! I sent April an email telling her how excited I was to see her and Korah at McDonald's and she cancelled on me. Ashlie text me to tell me that April didn't respond to her text and I told her that April had cancelled, so she asked if it would be OK for her and Jack to go in April's place. I said yes.
Later, at lunch April and Ash were texting back and forth and April called me crying saying how Ashlie told her that she hurt my feelings. Well, the truth is yes.......she did. She hurt my feelings about Korah's cake. You can read the blog about that if you need to know how and why. This is nothing that April didn't already know. I told that to April the day of Korah's party. It is upsetting, but I am over it. I told her that. I simply told her "April you are my friend and that is over with." and that is exactly what I mean. nothing more. nothing less.

So, this is what I think. My perspective. ......... Ashlie or April if you happen to read this........here are my feelings.......

To Ashlie:
I love you! Let me start off by saying that. That night you left was shitty. It was a shitty thing to do and the timing was even more shittier....LOL But, I think you know that already. I take you apology to me to be extremely sincere and as far as I am concerned.... water under the bridge! I have not a grudge against you nor will I bring it up again to your attention I believe it to be over.
Also, I have noticed you try to be a better friend and reaching out. I know I'm am not perfect but please know that you efforts are not meaningless and never go unnoticed! I love you, and I want you in my life always!!!


To April:
I love you! Let me start off by saying that. I hurt so much for you right now, because I know your hurting. I hate that your hurting, it breaks my heart! I know how you feel....all you want to do is work...go home...be left alone. Trust me!!!!! I KNOW!
However, I think right now more than anything you need friends.......and you need family! I think Ashlie is trying to show you that she can be a good friend to you if you be honest with her and tell her how you feel. Tell her what you need from her! Let her know! I am not angry with you, or her. I love you both and I want you to be happy. I know it's hard......and Korah's party was so happy yet so sad and difficult for you and for Chad. I am always here for you in times where you need a friend or just want to be left alone, I will understand....this I promise to you.


Whether the two of you choose to "work it out" or not is up to you...this is just my thoughts and my perspective! I love you both!

A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes.......

A dream is a wish you heart makes......... I love this saying! This just makes me smile so big when I think of this. Lately, I have been thinking of Disney World and all it's wonder. I have never visited it, and neither has Leandro. I am not sure what got me started on this but I just keep thinking about it over and over. I would love so much to go.
When I was a little girl I would think about it a lot. I remember Shelly and Jamie went a few times. I spent the night at Shelly's house and she was showing me her "character autograph book." She was like "this was Chip and Dale and this was Sleeping Beauty....etc" I was like WOW there really signed it! LOL
I am about to be twenty-seven, and I have been thinking about how I would like to visit it. I never really cared about going until recently and I don't even know why. No one at work has been talking about it or making plans to go. I just for no reason what so ever woke up one day and felt like I was missing out on something special.
Maybe it's a result of "*Mardi Gras Syndrome." Who knows....... I have thought of it everyday for a while now. I have been reading all about it too. It sounds like so much fun! I read all about their hidden Mickeys all over the park. I guess I never really read about it before or ever thought of a possibility of ever going, so I never checked into it.
When I was small my Mom and Dad made Disney World sound so awesome (they went there on their honeymoon.) I don't know how much it was but in my head I always thought of Disney World costing like thousands and thousands of dollars. As a kid I thought it was like the cost of a house or something. I just looked it up the other day and was amazed at how affordable it really is...LOL that just goes to show you how poor we were at one time! LOL
I think Leandro feels the same way about Disney World, that he will never be able to go.... I am going to do what I can to try and plan a trip for us!

*Mardi Gras Syndrome- Mardi Gras Syndrome is a made up term made up by Erin Gutierrez as a term that summarizes the effects of being neglected or forbidden to attend, participate or celebrate a certain event, festival, or place. example....Mardi Gras festival, parades, etc.
As a result of non participation in events a block is developed and as a person gets older they forget about the events, festival, or activities and all desires to attend or participate in any events is lost or gone.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Mother Daughter Heart to Heart......

This picture was taken at my Bridal Shower at Lake House Reception Center in Baton Rouge. The is the most recent picture of the three of us together. I remember how beautiful my mother looked that day and how she was so excited and had this "glow" about her. I remember her telling me she picked that blouse because she thought it matched the colors I choose for the wedding pretty well! She was right. It looked very close to the color I picked and it look beautiful on her.
I miss that day! It's weird because that day was my one and only bridal shower. It was "my day." There was a cake for me, and gifts...... and friends and family.......and a beautiful building.....but the thing about that day I remember the most and always comes to mind when I think of my shower is my mom. I think about how excited she was when I met her in the parking lot. She was glowing......so excited! Then when we were inside it's like she wanted to "hog me" and talk to me the whole time and not let anyone else have a turn. I remember her hugging me and kissing me and us walking around the whole building and her holding my hand.....she was so excited and looked so happy.
I wish we had more days like that. Last night my we talked on the phone and had a heart to heart, something we haven't had or done in a while. I cried the whole time. I feel so far away from her. She only lives ten minutes away but if feels like a million miles. She apologized for neglecting me. She said she knows she is guilty of it..... she said she was sorry for making me cry, and she never tried to hurt me.
The thing is, I know she never tried to hurt me.........I act like it doesn't really bother me that she never calls.....or that I never see her, but it does. I see my mother in law all the time, sometimes I even see her more than twice a week. I love my mother in law!! I love it that she loves to do crafts like me, and shop, and cook. She is awesome and I feel like I can go to her with anything! However, sometimes I start to miss my mom. When I think about all the things that my mother in law and I do together.......just a piece of me wishes I did some of those things with my mother.........I miss my mom. I miss her sweet voice and her smiling face, and her gentle voice.
Last night she said she was going to make more of an effort............I wish she would because I miss her!!!! I miss my mom...... and I miss the day that picture was taken. I will never forget the way her hands looked when she was holding mine and her sweet sweet smile.

Man what a Jerk!!!

So my boss is an complete ass if I don't say so myself. I picked an add that said "jerk" but man oh man.....talk about putting it lightly!!!!!!
This morning I came in ten minutes late, and my boss was here early (meaning before 7 AM) and he walked up to my desk and was like "Why are you late?" I laughed and said "Because I let Leandro drive this morning...." he then said "Is Leandro the one responsible for getting you to work on time?" I said "He was this morning." He then said "I'm not playing you need to tighten up....I'm serious."
He was so ugly about it. He is such an ass. I understand that I was late, but I still think he was quite rude about it. There is no need to be rude! I think I am a respectable employee. I work over forty hours a week every week. I work six days a week. I never complain about that. I was supposed to get a raise last month for making another year and a yearly evaluation and he didn't mention anything to me about it. I received to evaluation, no raise, no anything but a hard time. I don't understand. It just seems to me that a mere ten minutes late gets so much attention but everything else goes unnoticed. FML!

Monday, May 3, 2010

A Lonesome Cake....

So this blog is about my cake experience. I offered a while back to make a very merry "Happy Birthday Cake for a 5 Year Old." Not just any five year old..........a princess five year old girl LOL. For Korah Boydkin (April and Chad's Daughter.)

This cake experience didn't exactly go as planned. I started the cake Friday night at about 11 PM. I was wide awake and I enjoyed every minute of preparing, baking, and decorating this cake, all with Korah in mind! I finished it up around 3 or 4 AM. I was so excited to give it to her.
I went to bed at around 4 and around 6:30 Timothy woke up hungry. So, I got up and made him a bottle and bathed him and layed him back down. He started to fall back asleep and I was was going to text April to tell her to make sure and bring some Tupperware or Ziploc bags because there was definitely going to be cake left over, but I noticed she already sent me a text asking if I was awake. She said Chad had forgot and bought Korah a birthday cake. This immediately hurt my feelings and pissed me off. I didn't know what to do. I thought....should I still bring mine? Did she see it and not like it? Was it really an accident? Does Korah already have her heart set on the other one?
I dunno maybe I was reading to much into it but it made me angry and hurt my feelings. April went on to text me "bring yours too" talking about bring my cake too....but I thought that much cake would just be absurd and they didn't need two cakes. I was exhausted and aggravated I didn't even want to go but then she made me feel bad by sending me a pic of Korah saying "she's smiling for Aunt Erin." Ugh I hate it when people use their kids on me. I feel like April does that with Korah sometimes, Joanie and Rocky are guilty of it too sometimes.
Well, I spent all that time and all that money on the cake to just let it sit in my fridge or be wasted. I made it for Korah...just for her....with her in mind so I went ahead and brought it up there.
When I got there I was surprised to see that they brought the other cake that Chad had bought for her even though April said they were leaving it at home. They said it was cute but I don't even recall anyone saying thank you. Leandro and I left before they cut the cake because I had a pounding headache.
I was telling my sister at lunch today and she was like "How was the cake was it good" I said I don't know we left before they cut it and no one said anything to me about it. She was like "WHAT!" I dunno, I am not really worried about it anymore. It just sort of hurt my feelings.
All in all I think Korah liked it which really mattered to me and I had fun making it for her, so I guess that's all that really matters in the end. :D

My Timothy.....My Love!!!

Timothy rise and shining at six AM ...... :D
They just couldn't keep their eyes open anymore.......
Timothy is wanting to play at 11:00 PM LOL :D
My little Love :D
Nap time on the way to Longhorn Steak House :D

So this weekend we had a lot going on. The weekend didn't quite turn out as good as I had hoped, but all the time I had with Timothy was wonderful, and if nothing else I am thankful for that! He is so wonderful! I can't wait to have a baby of my own one day! :D

I made a new video of him. He is learning to hold up his bottle by himself now!! He doesn't quite have it down yet but he is working on it! The picture at the top is when he first woke up. He wakes up smiling.....it melts my heart! I love it when he first wakes up...

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Jester

I just watched Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporiums and this was one of the scenes. I thought it was hilarious so I made my own. LOL