Thursday, August 27, 2009

Why Are Some People So Mean? you know how people say "Kids can be so cruel!!!" Well, I believe that to be true, but you know whats meaner than kids????? Adults!!! Never in my life have I met so many "mean" and just ugly people....ugly in their ways and actions. I am no one to judge. This is just my opinion. I am not saying I am better than any one else, I just can't comprehend it. Why are people so freakin mean to one another?
Is it so hard to be courteous? Polite? Man, this bugs the hell out of me and makes me a little crazy. maybe I should just learn to just have the "who cares" attitude. Oh Well, I am taking my friend Ashlie's advice and I am going to be "the best me I can be" LOL
I heard that trashy NeNe on the housewives of Atlanta say "Make ya hater's ya mot-ivators" LMFAO! So........I guess that's what I need to do! Wish me luck!! =)

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