Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tickets Tickets Tickets!!!!! F tha Po-Lice LOL

Leandro's Expired MVI Tickets....

Baby you can drive my car........ but watch out for the po-lice! LOL

OK so Leandro got two tickets in our van about two weeks apart, for the exact same thing.....expired MVI (motor vehicle inspection.) Why are we driving around with an expired MVI you ask? I'll feed you baby just wait....LOL
Well, when Leandro and I first got the van we had it for like 3 or 4 days and then the check engine light came on. Luis was going to get an inspection sticker for it before we got it but ran out of time on the day we came to pick it up. We thought, no big deal we will just take care of it over the weekend, but by the weekend the check engine light was on so there went that idea.
Leandro received a ticket about two weeks ago from a State Trooper for the MVI and since then has brought it to get tested at AutoZone to find out what's wrong with the inspection. The test showed that there was something wrong with the oxygen sensor. The SAME DAY Leandro got pulled over again for the expired MVI. He showed the cop that he just got a ticket for that and that he was trying to get it fixed and the cop said he didn't care and wrote him another one anyways.
I called about the tickets to see how much they were and they are $185 a piece!!!!!! That's insane. I told Leandro I rather pick up paper on the side of the interstate then pay that. Those two tickets are almost what I make in a whole week. I rather spend two days of work than a whole week of work to pay them.

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