The dream took place at Delia's House. It was at her house and the weather was fall. We were inside. Stephen was there. He looked a little dark complected, I guess from working outside so much. Delia was wearing a long sleeve green shirt. All of Stephen's family and friends where there. There were little kids running around everywhere. It was some sort of party. Delia was talking to everyone about Stephen. She was saying how proud of him she was. She had on the biggest smile. I don't think I have ever seen her smile so big before. Stephen was there laughing and smiling. I kept staring at him. He was having such a great time! He was wearing a khacki colored shirt and brown pants.
Delia said, "there is food in the kitchen if you all want to go and eat." She escorted everyone into the kitchen. I was behind all of his aunts when he grabbed my arm and said "hey just one sec...come see dawg" I said, "OK what's up?" He then gave me the biggest hug and kissed my cheek. I kinda pushed him back and was trying to play it off I said "What was all that about?" I started laughing. he grabbed both of my hands and said "it's OK, I understand...it's OK." All the sudden I started crying uncontrollably. I was crying on his shoulder as he held me. I confessed how I was trying so hard to be strong but I felt so weak. He then said "It's OK I am here for you, I am never leaving you....remember I promised." I said "When will you come back? Why is this happening? He said "I never left you!"I then said "I love you Stephen!" I picked my head up off his shoulders and he was gone.
That is so amazing. I love that, do you kind of think it almost wasn't a dream? i do.