I am going to vacation my ass off LOL!!!!! I am going to pamper the hell out of myself, its going to be sooo much fun! :)

You know, I am just sitting at my desk at work zoning out like I sometimes do when it rains.....I can't help it. I guess seeing that much water fall from the sky puts me elsewhere. I was just thinking about how it felt when I was on the bus and it was one of those rainy days. Its weird how you never think of things like that and then all the sudden something just pops in your head. I remember my bus number was 220......lol. I remember our seats were green leather, and where I used to sit. I remember all the kids on the bus......Sometimes, I think about how me and my sister rode the same bus for a while and would never sit together, except sometimes when it was raining and it was scary I would go and sit with her. I remember holding her hand one time because she was scared. I miss those days! It seems like just yesterday that we were riding that bus. It's hard to believe we are both grown now.......Wow, where did all the time go?
I miss playing in the rain in our flooded yard with Josh and Nikki. One time me and Josh were playing Pete and Pete (the Nickelodeon show) and we were acting like we were archaeologists. We were playing in the biggest mud hole in my yard we could find. There was this hole that we kept sticking out foot in. Josh said "I feel something.....there is something here!!!!!" We were excited, guessing at what it could be..."treasure, a car, armadillo....LOL!!!" I think we were even holding our breath and going under water LOL.
A few days later, after the rain had all dried up I was in my room and I heard a loud crashing noise. I ran outside and heard my Dad kill the lawnmower and start saying "ERIN!!!!!! goddamn it son of a bitch?!?!?!?" I said "yes Daddy?" He said "Who in the hell dig up this pipe, do you know?" We had stuck our foot in that hole so much digging out mud each time that that "thing" that we were feeling with our feet was actually a pipe and my Dad didn't notice and had crashed the lawn mower in the hole and cracked the pipe...LOL. So, of course my response was "Daddy, I have no idea....I swear." He said OK very pissed offly and went and got a shovel and some tools to repair it. LOL To this day....... I still don't think he knows it was us LOL =) So don't tell!!
This is the video I took of Jackson in the tub last night singing the imperial march to Star Wars. LOL!!!
I am so tired! I haven't slept hardly at all since Stephen's accident. I am so tense and on edge all the time. I feel like I am hurting the people I love at times. I hate the way I am feeling. I feel so angry! I feel so very tired and stressed out. I feel like I can't relax. I know that I should be excited about our vacation coming up but I'm just not. It seems like more of a hassle or a chore than a getaway.
We have so many things to do. I have to find a mini storage and start packing this weekend. Leandro wants us moved out by the end of this month. That is super stressful! Also in the mean time I am trying talk to mortgage brokers and realtors to find us a house. Leandro and our land lord have been arguing back and forth too. I am so very tired! I feel like if I could just get some good rest. Just one nights uninterrupted sleep...............with a clear head then I might be OK.
The picture that I chose for this blog I picked because it reminds me of myself when I was a little girl. I lived on a dead end street and me, Josh, and Nikki would sometimes just lay in the street....talking about the universe....... I feel so beat down, and I feel so ugly. I have these huge circles under my eyes that are getting harder and harder to cover. I just feel like if I could just rest.......just for a min. I might regain some sanity.
You know........me, Stephen, and Leandro knew all the words to this song. Leandro and Stephen even learned how to play it on the guitar. Sometimes they would play and I would sing or we would all sing together. That's probably one of the things I miss the most........singing.....We all sang together...
Today is one of those hard days........one of those days when I just break down. I heart is aching for him......I am longing for him.........Keep waiting for him to call me.......
I had a dream about him last night! It made me feel good and bad. This is the first dream that I have had since his death where there was actual conversation between the two of us. All the other dreams I dreamt were just old memories.....all sort of collaged together. This dream gave me breath......but then took it away. It gave me relief and understanding, but then sent me in panic without understanding.
I will post the dream by itself.........but before I get to the dream I need to talk about how I feel right now. I decided that today I am going to visit his resting place. I don't know if this will help me or make it worse, but I have to try something. This will be the first time since the day we layed him there. It's so hard to even type that. I find myself having a hard time even saying that. I keep waiting for it to be different.......what a horrible nightmare. It just doesn't feel right. I am trying to make it right, and I can't. I miss him so badly......my god it hurts me so very badly!!!
I was just thinking of me and Leandro's vacation to Destin, FL coming up at the end of this month. I am really looking forward to this trip, and I just realized it...LOL.
With everything going on recently I almost forgot how much I love anything....LOL. I do love the beach so much, and I am really looking forward to he white sandy beaches in Destin. I don't care about anything.....money.....work.....cars.....none of that stuff.
I can just close my eyes and picture myself on the beach listening to the sounds of the seagulls, and the water coming in and out, and of course there are always little kids feeding the seagulls Cheetos and the mom fussing at them....LOL. I get so lost when I am lying there.......thinking.....I try to drift off in a sleep, but am too worried about Leandro swimming too far out.....ahhh....What wonderful memories! This vacation will be much needed =)