There is a house near my Mother's that will be for rent soon. It's a little farm house with a tree in the back and a little swing like the one pictured. Its super cute, nothing too fancy. It's two bedrooms and 1 and a half bath. The rent would be the same as our apt. at Little Lakes which is nice. Also, there would be no pet deposit and I can have my two cats Bachus and Juno! It looks like we will be moving in sometime in October.
I never once thought in a million years that I would live next to my mother, LOL. Growing up we didn't exactly have the best of relationships. But, this past year or so we have gotten a lot closer. My sister and I have too which is really important to me too! She will be living with my Mom, at least for a little while after the baby is born.
Leandro is gone a lot with work and school and this is a very trying time for me, since I am still trying to cope with the loss of Stephen and all. The loneliness that I experience is so heart breaking. I think it may help, to know that if I am feeling sad or lonely and Leandro is not there to comfort me, then I can walk over to my Mom's house and be with loved ones. My mother has been so very helpful and supportive in all my decisions lately and has loved and stood by me. I am so very thankful!!! Even some of the rather rash decisions I made she was behind me 100% percent and my sister too! I think being near the ones I love may help with my healing process.
We will be able to afford the rent in this little farm house pretty easily and so the financial burden will not be there either, and I think that may help with the stress for now. I don't think there is anything wrong with taking a little more time if we feel like we need it.
Do I think we are ready to be home owner's? Yes! Do I think we can afford to be? Yes! Do I think now is the time? No!
It's OK......... I believe we will get much more in return. Leandro loves me and said that he will leave the decision up to me because he knows that I am going through a very difficult time right now.....emotionally. I know he is too, he just has a different way of expressing it, but I do appreciate his support in my decision. I think I need this. I think he needs this. Just to have time to be with one another......to take some of the pain away, and to be close to loved ones. I think I might like that....even if its only a short while. LOL
I am sure it will only be a matter of a week before on the surface I start to regret my decision, but secretly deep down I will know I made the right one. I can already picture myself on the swing outside talking on the phone.....of just gazing at the pond. It is so peaceful here, and still very close to work for the both of us, which is nice.
I am also looking forward to being close to my son to be nephew. He will be my first and Leandro's too. People say "Katy is going to want you to babysit all the time" LOL. Who cares, there is no way Leandro will allow all that, but if I want to see him.........I can take the short pretty hike......and there I am! =)
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