So......this morning I woke up early thinking I would get a head start on the week. I have to be at work for 7 AM so I was going to leave at about 6:10...thinking I would stop and get some breakfast at McDonald's. As I was getting my things and kissing Leandro goodbye he opened one eye and looked up at me and said "you look purdy today."
I thought this was sweet. He then said, "Why are you leaving so early?" I told him I was going to get myself some breakfast and he said "Want me to cook you some?" I was like "sure!" After he woke up and tried to get some of the sleep from his eyes he didn't look like he had enough "pep" in his step to make me breakfast in time. I said "that's OK baby I will just pick something up....." He gave me the puppy dog eyes and said, "but I'm hungwy too!" LOL
So, nevertheless, I was on my way with Leandro to Denham to get breakfast at McDonald's, then I drove him back to Buita's then I drove back to work to clock in at 4 mins till 7. Hey! at least I wasn't late! I didn't exactly get the extra early start that I wanted but overall it was very nice and sweet and enjoyed it.
Upon clocking in I get a mess. in my inbox telling me Q is down and I spill coffee down my shirt trying to fight off a knat circling my desk. I also remember that the girl who works in the New Orleans office is off today so I have all of her work as well. I take the employee handbook on my desk and use it to cover my coffee so that irritating knat won't take a dip in there. As I am on the phone talking to a disgruntled contractor my elbow hits the book and coffee pours everywhere on the floor. On a normal Tuesday it wouldn't be so bad because the cleaning crew would be here to help me clean it, but they called in sick this morning along with some others so I was on the phone and frantically trying to clean. LOL
What a mess......I wouldn't have it any other way......it's nice to be back! LOL
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