I had such a great time! I can't wait to write all about it! It didn't go exactly as planned but I guess nothing ever does.
We were going to leave Thursday at five on the dot after Leandro got off of work. We didn't end up leaving the house until eight. Leandro kept saying "I hope I can find it int he dark" which worried me some, because I didn't feel like being lost all night.
When we got close to Dawson Rd. (where we were staying) Leandro said "shhhh I am listening for where the road is. LOL He is so goofy. Well, he turned down a road called Miller by accident and it was freaking dark, with no street lights or anything. I was kind of scared since I didn't know the area. We had the windows down in the van because it was hot and the air conditioner in the van is broken right now and some sort of bug flew in and I could hear it but couldn't see it. I was FREAKING OUT!!! I was screaming my ass off!!! It quickly went from funny to pissed off! LOL
After we turned around and found Dawson Rd and the "Blue House" where we were staying we were starving. Leandro wanted to go to Main St. to see what was still open. He had his heart set on eating at a place called "Bobby's Drive In." When he was turning around after we unloaded everything from the van he was driving all over the yard . Since I have never visited the Blue house before all I could see was woods, and someone's garden. and Leandro driving anywhere. I was yelling at him something like "WHAT ARE YOU DOING???DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHERE YOUR GOING??? THAT'S SOMEONE'S GARDEN!!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!! STOP DRIVING YOU COULD BE DRIVING OVER A SEPTIC TANK!!! YOU DON'T JUST DRIVE ALL OVER SOMEONE'S PROPERTY AT ELEVEN AT NIGHT!!!" I was pissed! I said I needed a Xanax and I have never in my life taken one of those but some how new I needed one. LOL
Then Leandro and I fought for twenty minutes about who is a better driver me or him. Even thought I know for a fact it's ME!!! LOL
By the time we actually made it to Main St. we were laughing again. I don't know how. I was still pissed because I was STARVING and there was nothing open! When we finally found Bobby's Drive In it was closed. The only thing in town that was open was a Subway. We got there ten minutes before they closed and I got the nastiest Subway sandwich I have ever had. It was disgusting!
When we got back to the Blue House at the point all I wanted to do was take a hot bath and relax. I took a bath and Leandro tried to get the cable to work (we found out later that there was no cable.) In the master bedroom there was a 12 in. TV with a bunch of VHS tapes and a VCR. So, needless to say we watched Young Guns on VHS. Also, the color on the TV was going out so even though Young Guns was in color we watched it in black, white, and green LOL.
The next morning we woke up to a rainy sky, which I was thrilled about because all I wanted to do was be lazy and relax on Friday. We woke up at around eleven-ish and decided we would go to town and have lunch. We went to Bobby's Drive In and this time they were open. We both got greasy cheeseburgers and fries and home made shakes. I got banana and Leandro got strawberry. Bobby's Drive In has prisoners working there from the "work-release program." There's nothing like a good greasy burger served up by convicts in my opinon. LOL
After that I noticed there was an antique shop across the street called "The Southern Belle" I begged Leandro to go. He didn't want to at first but then said OK. We didn't buy anything there but just browsed. They had some really nice things!
After that we stopped by the Family Dollar store to get me some undies and Leandro some socks. I didn't bring enough undies and Leandro didn't pack enough socks. When then walked next door to the ONLY grocery store in town so Leandro could "remaniss" LOL
When we got back to the blue house we were both full and decided to take a nap, even though we had only been awake for about three hours. When we got up at around six we just layed around doing nothing until around seven when we decided to order a Pizza from Jackson's only pizza place "Dave's Pizza."
Leandro says Dave's has been open for over twenty years. I must say the building looks really bad! LOL He went and picked up a pizza for us while I took a hot bath and relaxed. When he came back we ate pizza and drank wine and watched "A Star is Born" on VHS. Leandro doesn't want to admit he liked it because Barbara Streisand was in it but I can tell he loved it =)
When we woke up Sat. it was still rainy but not as bad. This time we woke up in enough time to eat breakfast. I fixed us corn beef hash and a english muffin with mimosas. It was nice. We sat on the rocking chairs on the front porch for a little while and watched all the birds. They had over thirty bird houses all over and binoculars. It was nice.
We then headed to town straight to East Feliciana Cellars were we tasted wine. We bought four bottles of muscadine wine and some home made honey from someone in Jackson and some May-Haw jelly.
We rode by the antique store that we went to yesterday but they looked closed so we didn't stop. We then decided to start looking for somewhere to get lunch. We drove to Clinton and went to the "William's Country Store" which sells everything by the way! That is that picture of Leandro and the Justin boot. That's his cousin's family "Daniel and Amy Williams." Their Mamma Mi "grannma" was there and she made us a couple of burgers and his cousin Jeff gave us a free coke. Those are some of the nicest people. =D
I also bought Jackson's famous Methodist Church cookbook that was put together in 1985. I guess they just reprint the copies. Lynette has one and man we were looking at it together once we got back, and she knows almost everyone in that cookbook.
After we left the William's store we drove to the Museum in Jackson and Leandro showed me where his great grandpaw is in there. I got to see some pictures of him. It was really neat because Charles Linderberg crashed his plain in Jackson and Charles Morgon (Leandro's great grannpaw) found the big wooden propeller. There was a write up about it in the paper and a picture of him with the propeller and the propeller is hanging in the museum. I thought that was kinda cool.
When we got finished at the museum we were going to visit Wade and Berline but we weren't sure which house was theirs. I know it was across the street from the museum but there was a house on the right and the left and Leandro didn't want to just go knocking on random peoples doors.
So we called Travis and asked him if him and Megan wanted to grill some steaks with us and he said yeah. We stopped at the store and picked up some steaks and went back to the blue house.
When we got back to the blue house it was HOT HOT HOT in there. It turns out the air conditioner was broken. It was miserable in there. It felt awesome outside but the gnats were too bad to stay outside. We decided that we were going to pack it up and go home Sat night instead of staying until Sunday.
We cleaned up the blue house then headed over to Travis and Megan's for dinner. Travis went and picked up Norman and we all hung out and BBQ. We had a blast with them. Norman is so funny, I am glad he came too. We didn't leave there until almost midnight. The offered for us to stay but I was ready to go home and just wake up in my own bed.
It felt like a quick trip home. Overall I had a really nice time! We are planning to back again just for the day not this weekend but the next. I didn't get to visit with Wade and Berline and I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I would have liked to. So, we are going to go for a Sat and just spend the day :)
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