Maw brought home her Bingo card to show Paw her Bingo!! How sweet!
I had such a wonderful weekend! It all started out Friday when I got off of work. I headed straight to Maw and Paw's house to pick Maw up for Bingo. She was so excited! When I got there Uncle Keith was there, so I visited for a few minutes before leaving. When Maw and I got to Bingo we ordered some junk food including (Fried pickles) which she never had before last Friday, and she loved them =) We had so much fun, and Maw even got a Bingo and won $150.00.
When Bingo was over we were leaving and this bitter old black woman was walking past us and she was mad I guess because she didn't win. She said to Maw "Excuse me Mam...don't worry I ain't gonna touch your fancy purse wit all yo moneys more than God" I was laughing and Maw was too. LOL I guess she said that because Maw has a designer purse, and she got a Bingo. LOL Maw said "as if with all my money" I said I know right....come on wit yo social security check ass LOL" She was laughing and we left.
When we got back to there house she was so anxious to dig in her purse and pull out the card she Bingoed on to show Paw. It was so cute. He was rubbing her back and hugging her telling her that he was so proud and happy for her. That's when I took that picture of her holding her card pointing to her Bingo!
I spent the night at Maw and Paw's and I even wore an old silk night gown that came to my ankles. I felt like I was seven years old again. I have a picture of this but I decided not to post it LOL. I slept in the back bedroom were I always used to sleep. When I woke up the next morning I was woken up by the roosters crowing and the smell of bacon, eggs, grits, and coffee.
I got up and visited with them and I helped Maw with her computer. I cleared a print jam for her, and gave her a "lesson" on her cleaning her inbox out.
When I left Maw and Paw's house I hurried to pick up Leandro from a drunken night of cutting up and playing music at Nathan's house. It was so pretty on Saturday! The blue skys picture was taken in Nathan's driveway. If you look close you can see the edge of his roof in it. After, I picked up Leandro we went home and took showers and got ready to go to Dad's house for BBQ.
We stopped off at WinnDixie in Walker so I could get all the things I needed to make a yummy strawberry cake (which came out so yummy and pretty I wish I had took a picture).
When we got to Dad's I made strawberry daiquiris using fresh strawberries while Dad started the BBQ. We ended up staying at Dad's until 12:45 in the morning. Leandro was sleeping on dad's couch and Penny was asleep in the recliner while me and Dad had a drunken concert on the back porch singing and dancing together to Frank Sinatra and Bob Marley. It was a blast! LOL
The next morning I woke up around nine am and Leandro and I met Dad at Ihop for breakfast. It was funny because Dad was so tipsy the previous night he forgot some things that had happened the night before LOL, as he put in his own words he was "off in his own world riding the Budweiser's Clydesdale Horses" LOL
After eating breakfast I headed to UtiliQuest to do a few things for work. I sort of expected Steven to be there since he told me he had to work that weekend but he wasn't. I worked for about two hours. I still needed to run to Walmart and WinnDixie but I was so tired from the night before so Leandro and I decided to go home and take a nap first.
When we woke up from our two hour nap we decided we needed new sheets and pillows because that nap sucked lol. So, we went to Walmart and bought a new set of 500 thread count sheets and two queen size down pillows. We spent over $100 lol.
Then we headed to Winndixie in Walker to do some grocery shopping. I love to shop at WinnDixie because the have excellent cuts of meat, and a lot of times they have great sales like buy on get on free. We spent another $150.00 mostly on meat then headed home.
We finished off our weekend by visiting with Laura (she stopped by the house) and watching a movie called Death at a Funeral, which was pretty funny.
I had such a wonderful weekend, and waking up this morning! Man.... those sheets felt amazing! It felt like sleeping in lotion, LOL. This Monday is pretty crazy, so I better get to work. I hope this week is good! I am keeping a positive attitude no matter what! =)
Shannon just walked by my desk and burped and didn't even say excuse me......how disgusting!!!! LOL some people...... I swear!
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