So last night....after I got off of work I was with Katy. We were on our way home.... talking about how crazy it was over at Joanie's with being Shelly there. I was exiting there subdivision and pulled into the gas station at the corner of Jefferson and Floynell, because I was on E. I was standing at the pump and pulled out the wad of cash Joanie had given me and began counting it. Katy immediately fussed at me for doing this! In which I should have known better, I threw it back in my purse without even finishing.
Behind me this suspicious looking black male pulled up and began swaying toward me and staring at me. He then straightens up and begins walking towards the gas station entrance. He stops at the door and looks at me. Katy tells me she is scared, and I am too, but I don't let her know that. I bravely walk with my head facing down toward the entrance of the gas station. The man starts walking back....straight to me. I don't make eye contact and keep walking. I go inside and pay "$10 on pump three please." I was so scared I wanted to tell the gas station attendant "can you please watch me back to my car?" but I didn't. I hurried back to my truck because Katy was out there by herself. I opened the door and whispered "Give me your phone" I started pumping gas and I held her phone to my ear and said "Hey Dad.....why you getting off work so late.....yeah.....hey I am right there too.....ohh I see your truck at the red light....pull in...." and the guy got back into his car threw a gun on the seat and drove away quickly. Katy and I were so scared! I confessed how afraid I was after it was over.
I guess Stephen was watching over me. I thought the whole way home silently....... What if I would have gotten shot? Would I have lived? Would it have been different for me afterwards? Would he have only hurt me and left Katy and Timothy alone? I would die for Katy! I guess it just makes you think....
When I got back to Buita's I saw Nick's car there. In fact, I saw Nick first when I walked through the door then Leandro. I confessed to Leandro what had happened. He look worried. He gave me a kiss and said "glad your alive and never stop at that gas station again!" I laughed and walked away.
When I changed into my night clothes I knew Leandro would not be coming to bed with me, because he never does when Nick is there and besides he had just fixed him a drink. I laid in bed with the lights on for a few minutes just in case. After about 30 minutes, I decided to go ahead and get some rest.I set my alarms and turned off the light. I pulled my pillow close to me and hugged it as tight as I could. I don't know why but even still in bed.....I felt really afraid! I hugged it a bit tighter as I drifted off to sleep.
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