Our New Condo at Hidden Oaks:
I love it! Sometimes when I am walking the dog (I'll get to that in a minute) I pass the condo labeled 401 and gaze into it's emptiness... thinking how we used to fill all those rooms with our things. But overall, it's amazing how quickly we can adjust to new things. I love having my own craft room.... and Leandro having his own office apart from all of my things.
The Dog:
So....we adopted a dachshund aka a weenie dog and named him Oscar as in (Oscar mayor wiener.) I couldn't stand him at first because he chewed up four pillows, but now I love him. LOL
He's definitely learning not to chew things up and he is getting better all the way around. He is potty trained (Thank god) and the cats are adjusting to him more and more. We still bring the cats in our bedroom to sleep with us at night and make him sleep in the living room because we don't want them to feel like we don't love them anymore lol
The Job:
I LOVE my job!!! I can't express how much I love my job! I know this is what I am born to do because some days when I am pulling out of the parking lot I have tears in my eyes thinking about some of those kids. I even dream about them or spend time laying in bed at night thinking how to help certain ones who are having a difficult time with different lessons. I am constantly thinking on how I can improve myself to be a better teacher and listener. I love teaching and I hope to open my own school in the next five years!
Also, the people I work with I love them all like family. I feel like we are a family over there. It doesn't even feel like work to me. It feels like getting a check every two weeks is just a bonus to being there. I know it seems weird but I really don't even care that they pay me. LOL :)
The Weight:
Is falling falling falling off! I feel fantastic!!! I have lost a total of 57 lbs!!!!!!! I am so excited and I feel great! I am going to post some updated pictures on my other blog today so you can see!
The Future:
Well, I went and saw my OBGYN yesterday and he said he was so proud of me!! He said I can start my fertility treatments in Dec. and feels confident that I will be pregnant by Feb. of next year!!! This is such a big deal for me!!! I am about to cry just typing this....I never thought there would come a time where I would hear him say those words..
So thats pretty much it! We are doing well.... getting ready for the beautiful Spring to come :)
Have a wonderful day and big hugs and kisses from me!!!!
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