On July, 22 I turned 27. So much has changed in the last year....in the last few weeks......
I have to say..... for the first time in a very long time I feel happy! I feel thankful for my life.... thankful for being here to celebrate my 27th birthday..... thankful for everything! I would like to think that I will still be blogging at 28 and will come back to this blog and read how my life was at 27.
So, at 27 my Dad is finally getting the teeth implants that he needed so very much and deserved even more. He is happier now than I have ever seen him. He is enjoying his time off away from work and is finally getting to just take it easy for a little while and relax! I couldn't';t be more happier or proud of him!
Katy and Tim are still struggling financially, but both have so much love for their son that it doesn't seem to bother them too much. Timothy is worth all the financial hardships that come along with him, and in due time they will find there way! Timothy was just baptised this past Sunday into the Catholic Church and it was quite rewarding and such and honor to be appointed to be his godmother and Leandro his godfather.
My mom and I have grown a lot closer. She seems happy! I hope she is....I think she is. I know by Timothy being born lit her up inside and I haven't seen that flame dim at all since his birth. It's like she tries hard to be a better person for Timothy and would do anything for him! I am proud of her!!!
My in-laws are doing good. Lynette is doing so good in school and I ma so very proud.... it takes a lot to go back to school at her age or even after being out of it for so long. She is such a strong woman. I envy her and try to model certain aspects of my life from her. She is a true inspiration!
Laura and I have got a lot closer too. She is my best friend! I am thankful for our wonderful relationship and feel like I can go to her with anything! She is one of the few people I have ever met that I feel truly understands me.
I miss working with CJ at UtiliQuest. I just miss him in general and I am thankful for our relationship! I am going to text him today telling him how much I miss him!! =) He was there in a way I needed him the most. He helped me so much when Stephen died and for that I will NEVER forget. He tried to take the pain away...... I love him so much!
I miss my friends at UtiliQuest..... but now I feel like that chapter in my life is over. I try to think that maybe the lay off was a good thing because I was at a dead end anyway. I have recently talked about working on my dreams instead......photography!
I still talk to Steven Hull almost everyday. He is a true friend to me. =)
Bachus and Juno are getting too big!!! hah hahahah I look at them sometimes and think about the way they would come and lay be me when I was crying when Stephen died and no one was around to hold me. I love them so much!!
I still worry about my brothers everyday. Logan and now Lino and Nick are in Colorado. I am glad for them but I can't help but worry about them on a daily basis....hoping they don't get into too much trouble. Sweet Lu is still here and we just went on vacation together two weeks ago. It's not just a clever name......he is such a sweet-Lu!!! LOL
Maw and Paw are doing good. They came over after Timothy's baptism and we all ate jambalaya and petitfores that I cooked the previous day. It was really nice. I am going to go over there soon and clean there house. I love being around them! =)
Joanie and I have gotten a lot closer too. I love her so much and I am so proud of her and Rocky for doing what they continue to do for Kaden. He loves them so much! Kaden is such a blessing to my heart! He makes me smile even when I don't feel like it. Yesterday I took him to Bass Pro and I told him he could pick out a toy. Once we were walking to check out I said, "you remembered to bring your money right?" He looked back at me and said "Huh? What you talkin bout ain't Erin....your paying for this!" I couldn't help but laugh and just say "I guess I am."
Timothy has the best smile I have ever seen. He looks like my mom a lot when she smiles. He gives me purpose to want to be a better person. I want the very best for him and will do whatever it takes to see that he gets everything he needs in life. We love him so much!
MoMo sent me a birthday card on my birthday where she wrote out the first two lines of Happy Birthday to you...... she is the best!!! She always makes me smile. I received the birthday card the day before my birthday and when I called her to tell her thank you and even though I received it a day which was not my birthday it made my whole day. He response to this was "Well.... if it made your day and made you laugh just read it again tomorrow!" LOL
I am thankful for all my wonderful friends and family. I am truly and utterly just HAPPY! I can not wait for today and tomorrow.......and the next..... and next..... Life is such a wonderful thing! Happy Birthday to me!!!!
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