From left front row: Roberta, MoMo, Jenny, Margie, Eric
My MoMo turned 80 years old on Feb. 26th. We celebrated an 80th birthday party for her at my aunt Margie's house in Erwinville yesterday. I must say it was a very nice day. The weather was excellent!
I had a great time........Leandro and I picked up Katy and Timothy (Tim had to work) and we all rode together to Erwinville. When we got there I parked at Uncle Tommy's house and called my Dad to let him know we were there. I saw him standing by Margie's barn but there were so many people I know he didn't see us pull up. I said "Daddy.....your grandson is here" lol he said "OH REALLY!!!!! OK OK! I'm coming right now!!!" He sounded so excited!
After we got Timothy out of the van we started to walk up the stairs to get to Margie's and I saw my favorite cousin (Clint) and I gave him a big hug. I love my Clint I was hoping to see him =)
We saw MoMo. They were about to sing Happy Birthday to her. Her smile was so big you could almost see it from the back of her head. That just melted my heart to see her so happy =)
After they sang Happy Birthday this picture was taken, not by me, but by Saye. I scored a copy of it and cut out the color back ground.
Then, Dad pulled me and Katy away and said he had something he wanted to tell us both together. He said:
I just wanted to tell you both that when I went to your house Erin, it was so perfect and clean, and Katy when I went to your house it was clean and tidy and perfect. I pride myself on how clean I am, but when I went to yalls houses I was so shocked and impressed and yall make me feel like my house is dirty. Erin you have two cats and you would never even know, I couldn't even smell them , and Katy that trailer is so spotless I can tell you and Tim worked hard in making it a home. I just want to say that I am so very proud of you two....my girls.
I guess that was my Dad's way of just being proud of us in general. It has been a really long time since my Dad was actually proud of me and Katy at the same time. I feel like he is not trying to fight us anymore, but some how realizes that we are good kids even though we are not perfect and we have learned the most important thing which is to keep a good home, so to say.
We left Margie's house a good bit later than we had wanted, I don't recall the exact time but it was later than we had planned. After, we left we went to Katy and Tim's and stayed there until just about midnight. When we got home Leandro went on and on how much he enjoyed Katy's company! =) I did too
What a wonderful day!
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