I am sitting at Starbucks right now and it is 9:32 AM on Super Bowl Sunday. I had a night with the girls last night and didn’t get home until around 2:30 in the morning. I had a really good time. So, why am I showered and dressed sitting at a Starbucks on Super Bowl Sunday writing a blog you ask????? Well, this is why……..
Well yesterday was quite an interesting day. My started off by sleeping in just a little and texting my Dad first thing when I woke up at 10 AM to see if he was going to come over for coffee. We had been talking about ti since we moved to our new place but it kind of just never happened. My Dad called me and asked me if I wanted to come over. I had lots of other things planned but of course I worked a stop at his house into my plans since it had been a while since I had seen him and I sure was missing him.
So, I took a shower had some coffee with Leandro and then I was off……….When I first left the house I drove Leandro to Abuelo’s house. Leandro and staying with Abuelo for the day because Swami and Mari had to go do something. I dropped off Leandro and peeked in on a sleeping Abuelo to see how was doing and then left to go and meet Mandi at Petco.
Mandi and I arranged to meet up at Petco for another “clothes swap” for 11:30. I texted her when I got there to let her know that I was there. She texted me back to tell me “leaving now.” I know where she lives so I knew I had a bout 20 minutes to kill. It just so happened to be my lucky day because it was puppy day over at Petco. I went inside and looked at all the children’s cute little smile of excitement over all the new pups the Denham Springs Animal Shelter had brought. I looked at the time and it was 11:50 and still no Mandie….. So I walked over to Office Depot and looked at the Art Supplies. I was about two seconds away from buying some Prismas for the invitations that I wanna design for our girls trip in May when Mandi text me “I’m here.” I put the Prismas back thinking I would probably get a better deal on the price of them at the Craft Store anyways. I had cut out a coupon at work Friday because I thought I might have a chance to go there this weekend sometime.
I went outside and hugged Mandie. We talked for a few minutes while we were exchanging clothes. I felt a little uncomfortable because I saw Brittany and Jamie going into Stage when I was coming out of Office Depot and I know that Brittany saw me and then acted like she didn’t. She knows Mandie too and I dunno it was just sort if weird. I kept looking around thinking Brittany was watching me or something. After I left Mandie I was on my way to see my sister because I had a house warming present for her, Tim and Timothy.
I was on my way to Katy’s house when I realized that it was almost one and I still haven’t had anything to eat all day. So I went to the Petro mart across the street from Katy and Tim's house and got one of the best eggrolls in the world =) I then went to Katy's and knocked on the door an no one answered. I called her and she was at Mom's house doing laundry so I headed over there to see her real quick before going to Dad's house.
When I arrived at Mom's house I chatted with Katy for a little while and she asked me where I was going when I left there and I told her I was going to visit with Daddy for a little while and I asked her if she wanted to come and she said no. So, since I was only going to Dad for a few hours I asked her if I could take Timothy and she said no.....then she thought about it and said she wanted to come with me. I was glad...I was hoping she would say that.
When we got to Dad's I noticed him standing by the back door and when we pulled up and saw me and Katy and me getting Timothy out of the back seat he just smiled sooooooooo big! I could tell it made his day to see us all there. Katy and I visited with Dad for longer than we had planned put it was worth it! I sure did miss that old man =)
When we left Daddy's house I was trying to hurry and headed back to Mom's house to drop her off so she could get her clothes and the truck. I was running late too.... I still had to run home to get ready to go to my girl's night out at 6:30. When I pulled into the drive to go in the back to Mom's house there was a detective, 3 cop cars, a fir truck, and a ambulance. The people who own Mom's trailer...there mother passed away. She lived in that little house close my mom. Poor people =(
As I left Mom's I couldn't help but think what would have happen if that was my mom, or dad, or grandmother or grandfather.......I really hurt in my heart for those people. I felt like just being close to them some of there pain and hurt got into me some how and it just hurt me so bad.
I hurried home and got dressed and redid my makeup and hair so I could be at Chili's for 6:30. I was worried about being late and it turns out that I was the only one who was on time. April arrived at about 6:50 ish and Ashlie got there at 7:20. We had a great time and after that April wanted to go to a bar called Rick and Robbins. Ashlie didn't really want to go....I'm not sure why. She ended up leaving with Jeremy and Breanna about 45 minutes after we got there. I did get to jittabug with her first though.
April and I had a good time and we just talked and talked and talked. We left Rick and Robins around midnight or a little after. I brought her back to Chili's to get her car. We ended up sitting at Chili's for an hour just talking and talking. Then I left around 1 AM and on the way home I stopped at Taco Bell in Watson because we didn't eat and she was right behind me and stopped too, lol. It's like we had the same idea. After we both went through the drive through and got our food we ended up parking and we ate in her car talking and talking more. I didn't get home until 2:10 AM.
I must say it turned out to be a great night =)
When I got home Leandro, Lino, Arlene, and Luis were pulling up and Leandro was drunk (but not driving). He invited them all to stay the night. I will not get into the furry and rage I felt at this point but let's just say it didn't end well, hence me sitting at Starbuck's waiting for my Daddy to show up instead of at home in my living room.