Gooood Morning!
Today is only Tuesday and already I feel so accomplished! I have two weeks off of work until the new school year begins. I say I have two weeks off.... I have pretty much filled up everyday with work! lol :)
Yesterday, I went to babysit some of the kids from ACS, then I went shopping with my birthday money and bought everything to create this:
Feather bed topper: $39.99
Duvet and shams: $39.99
(2) Sealy Posterpedic Pillows: $11.99 each
Egyptian Satain Sheets: $39.99
Cute Black and White dress: $9.99 (not pictured) lol
Total $153.94
Last night I don't think I tossed or turned all night! I slept so good and comfortable! I am very happy with my decision to "re-vamp" my mattress! :)
Today i used to left over materiel that my aunt gave me to give my dining room chairs and fresh clean look. I recovered them all with this neutral color. Cost to me ----> $0!! Yay!
Finally, I found these curtains on clearance at Big Lots yesterday for $6.99! It was time for a change. The other curtains were looking pretty ragged thanks to Oscar and the cats for pulling on them all the time. By the way... the two accents on top are just there for now until I finish fixing the side hooks. They will come down. I don't like them there. I'm using the curtain rod as a holder so the cats don't destroy them while I'm working. LOL
I must say... I feel like I have gotten so much done already! Tonight Maw, Joanie and I are all going to play Bingo in Denham Springs. I am so excited! I love Bingo.. and my Maw of course!
Oh! I have so many DIY projects in store for these two weeks off..... here are a few things I would like to work on:
Re-organize pantry
Frame some new pictures
Get a coffee table for the living room
Anyway.... back to work....... Happy DIY!!!