Our Bridge in Erwinville from Uncle Tommy's to MoMo's house....all decorated for Christmas...
MoMo's Christmas Tree......
Cuban Coffee.....Christmas style :)
Me pushing Timothy on his new rocking horse that Leandro and I got him for Christmas! :)
Dad and Penny in front of MoMo's tree on Christmas Eve....
Merry Christmas! I hope your Christmas was as wonderful as mine! I hope you enjoyed a few of the pictures I posted from last night and today!
I had the most wonderful day and last night too! I got a fancy smancy Kitchenaid mixer from Dad and Penny which I intend to put to good use very soon. Also, Santa brought me a chimanea...which I can wait to use too!
Merry Christmas and lots of love from my heart to yours!
Yesterday was the most wonderful day! My mother and I took Timothy to get his picture taken with Santa Clause at Bass Pro. It has been years since my mother and I did anything like that together. It was so wonderful being able to share that with her. It makes my heart smile so big with Christmas-ie goodness. I feel so blessed. What a wonderful gift to be able to have a day like that with my mom.
Timothy is such a blessing to all of our hearts! I am so happy and thankful for him! He is such a good baby! He didn't even cry when we gave him to Santa....he just looked up at him. :)
Look at the pictures I posted.......look at my mom's smiles!!!!!! She never smiles!!!!! Timothy can bring out a smile in anyone.
This made my whole Christmas! I am trying not to cry when I type this...... I am just so happy... what beautiful memories we made yesterday.....I will never forget......that spirit of Christmas I felt.
Good Moooooorrrrrrrnnnnnningggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg! and Happy Sunday! I am enjoying my steamy cup of coffee and blogging away this morning. I have lots to do to get ready for Christmas next week.
I still have some more gifts I need to make and I need to wash some clothes etc.... Also, I want to watch a Christmas movie today! :) One thing that I am really excited about is the gift I got my Dad! I got him the cast iron chicken fryer that he has been wanting ever since he saw mine. It was kind of expensive, but I don't care! I told Leandro I would gladly give up anything I would be getting for Christmas in order to get this gift for my Dad! I guess that's a good thing since we are not getting each other anything this year for Christmas! LOL
I think Leandro was going to get me a little something but the extra money we had went to the fryer. That is the best gift in itself though! My Daddy has done so much for me this year and has been there for me and has been so supportive........my Christmas wish is to get something really nice for him....so I am so happy and soooo excited!!!!
On a different note..... the picture I posted is a picture of my coffee this morning in the new festive Christmas cup my Mom picked up for me at LeBlanc's supermarket. She is so sweet sometimes. I worry about my mom a lot. I hope that she enjoying the holiday season as much as I am. She seems to be......but sometimes it's hard to tell.
OHHH and yesterday I got all the things that I am going to need for Christmas Day. I am cooking a honey baked ham, macaroni and cheese casserole, and a peach cobbler. I am going to do all the cooking on Christmas Eve! I am sooooo excited!!!! I don't care that I can't eat any of it, LOL I just like to cook it.
So do you wanna know our Run Run Rudolph Christmas dine and dash schedule? LOL
So here it is:
It all starts Christmas Eve............
Christmas Eve Morning:
Cooking all day for Christmas Day.....ham, casserole, desserts......wrapping last minute gifts.....cleaning house
Christmas Eve Evening:
6:00 PM leave for Erwinville..........be in Erwinville for 7.....leave Erwinville for home at 12:30......arrive home at 1:30 AM
Christmas Day:
7:30-Wake up Take showers
8:30-Leave for the In-laws house
9:00-Open gifts with the in-laws and have breakfast as a family
11:30-Leave the in-laws
12:00- Arrive at Maw and Paws house for Christmas Lunch/and gift exchange
2:30- Leave Maw and Paw's
3:00-Arrive and Cj and Jen's for Christmas dessert/gift exchange
4:30- Leave Cj and Jen's
5:00- Arrive at Dad and Penny's for gift exchange
8:00-Leave Dad and Penny's
8:30- Arrive at Buita's for Christmas dinner/ gift exchange
12:30- Leave Buita's
Day After Christmas:
Christmas with the Morgan's at the In-laws house
I know that looks like complete madness........and IT IS! But it's soooooo much fun! It's like an adventure. It feels just like the movies...lol
We might go to the first house where everyone is bitching and in a horrible mood....but then the next house people are singing Christmas carols....it's just sooo full of surprises...you never know what to expect! LOL
I can't believe we are going to FIVE places on Christmas Day! LOL How exciting!!!!!!!!
So I am about to leave to go to my mother's house and then I am off to Winndixie in Walker to go grocery shopping for Christmas.....AHH madness! LOL
I hope it's not as bad as this picture I found on Google. I am smiling right now but angry holiday crowds can sometimes get to me. Perhaps if I think of it as more of an adventure than a chore......LOL
Leandro just brought me a warm cup of coco.....mmmmm.....perhaps I should think of that when I get frustrated! LOL
So after I stayed awake until 2 AM this morning baking my mother a happy 50th birthday cake, I went to bed feeling accomplished and ready for today. I woke up in a great mood and decided I wanted to surprise my mother with her cake.
So, even though I am not supposed to be able to drive until tomorrow.....I drove over to my Mom's to surprise her! She looked so cute! We hung out all morning until it was time for me to leave and come back home to get ready for my interview at Aero.
I got all cute-zied up and was ready to go. Leandro drove me out to the mall even though he wasn't feeling too good. When I got to the store they said the manager I was supposed to talk to had left for lunch...... or to shop for Christmas...... or some legal stuff. I got told three different things, LOL
One of the employees at the front of the store finally just told me to go and talk to the other manager. When I told him who I was he called the store manager and talked to her on the phone for a while and then came back and asked me if it was OK that she call me later on tonight for a phone interview. I said sure....then peaced outta there.
The manager was supposed to call me at six, but never called. This is the second time that the manager has rescheduled my interview, not to mention she didn't call. I think I am done with this place.... it seems wishy washy.......
Unless she eventually calls me with something worth my while, then I am just going to pass on this one. I came home from the mall and sent out about six more applications online, so hopefully one of them will work out.
Other than the manager not calling.....I had a fantastic day! I got to get out of the house, even if it was only for an hour or so. Tomorrow is going to be great because I can drive again and I am going to run the roads all day in celebration lol.
I am going to go and see Ashlie and give her the Christmas gift I have for her and then I am going to all my favorite craft stores!!!!! YAY!!!! I am so excited!!!
OK so tomorrow I have a job interview at Aeropostale for a management position. I don't really want to go back to retail, but if I get the job..... at least it will be something until I find something better.
I look at it two ways...... if I get the job then that means good pay and benefits, and DISCOUNTS!!!! YAY! lol
If I don't get the job then I don't have to work in retail again or drive way the hell out to Bluebonnet or fight rush hour traffic.......
So the way I see it........ it can only be a win win :)
This looks like a cake that Stephen would have loved. He always claimed he never cared for sweets too much, but we all knew how much he loved candy! lol
I miss him greatly and think of him often! Leandro and I always says "What would Stephen say?" hahah maybe we should make the bracelets or something WWSS? If we did that then we would all be in trouble.... lol
Well, I am up at 2 am on this Wed. morning thinking about my dear friend and how I wish he was here so I could celebrate his birthday with him.
You are frequently in my thoughts, but forever in my heart...... Happy Birthday!!!!!
So, when it is 26 degrees outside like it is this morning....all I can think of is taking a long hot relaxing bath......and then getting out and getting bundled up and sipping hot coco. Unfortunately, I can't do either of these because of my diet and incisions! Grr!
I guess thats OK..... I sure do miss my baths the most. I am hoping when I go back to see Dr. Leblanc he will say that it is OK to at least take a hot bath! I can live without the hot chocolate.....but a bath too???? He's pushing his luck with me! Not really...... he's awesome!
I am hoping that it will snow here soon because I want to get some great pictures of it. I don't think it is going to. At one point the weather channel was saying it was, but then it never did. I may take some pictures today just because...... I love taking pictures and I haven't since New York and New England in September. :)
Sooooooo I am starting a third blog!! Yes Blog number three!!! This blog will be entilted......
I am super excited about this blog because I have been a huge reader of crafting blogs for ages now and find that they offer so many creative inspirations that I decided to join what appears to be a party!!!!!
feel free to come and check it out and look for the first post to go up tonight and the first crafting tutorial to show up sometime tomorrow............
Soo.....no! I am definitely not looking sexy after my surgery LOL! My right hand is still very swollen from the IV and I am still pretty uncomfortable. Although, my incisions look to be healing really well, (there were six total) I am still feeling pretty yuck. From what I can understand the worse is continuing to be behind me and now I am slowly moving on to a better future.
According to my doctors I will not feel like myself until about two weeks post-op, and right now I am only four days post-op.
However, I must say everyday seems to be better than the last.
So this is my diet for the next eight weeks..........
Phase 1: 1-2 days post-op only clear liquids
Phase 2: last for 2 weeks and includes everything from phase one including full liquids like yogurt, and sugar free pudding etc.
Phase 3: last for 2 weeks, includes everything from Phase 1 and 2 and soft foods like baby food etc.
Phase 4: last for two weeks, includes all previous phases and includes pure-aide foods
Phase 5: all previous phases and start back on regular foods avoiding heavy starches like bread, and rice, and pasta until 6 months post-op
As you can see my journey has really just began...... its still a long road to recovery.
I am excited about Christmas coming up in three weeks... even though I am broke and have no money, I don't even care! It won't break my Christmas spirit! =)
I love a Cajun Christmas! It just melts my little heart..... seafood gumbo....bonfires.....fireworks....and of course friends and family! My heart is smiling so big right now just thinking about that warm and fuzzy feeling that Christmas brings.
It's supposed to snow on Wed or Thurs of this week! I can't belive it! I just posted a blog the other day saying how I didn't think it was going to snow this year in Louisiana. That just goes to show you.... you can never predict the weather in Louisiana.
I am having such a wonderful Christmas already......
Yesterday, my mother in law and I went to Zeas to have lunch with Judy, Donna and Julie. Then, we went to a holiday cooking and decorating class. Later that evening, Leandro and I went to the CVS party at Kyle and Jill's house in Greystone..... wow what an amazingly fantastic day!!
Today, Ashlie came over and we ordered a pizza, drank wine and beer...then made homemade chocolate chip cookies and coffee. I am smiling so big typing this thinking about how much fun these last two days have been. I can hardly wait to find what tomorrow will bring......
Tomorrow, I have a job interview at Aeropostale and then I have to get ready for my surgery on Tues. I am excited!
AND........AND.......my Dad is actually in the Christmas spirit early this year!!!! I know.... I can't hardly believe it myself! He actually put lights up around the house and his tree. I talked to him yesterday and the neighborhood Christmas parade was coming down the road as we talked on the phone and he sounded so excited like a kid again. Penny was at the road taking pictures of Santa Clause. How cute!!! I swear it doesn't get much better than my Daddy!! He's the best!!!!
Christmas time always make me think of the magic of Christmas when I was little and my favorite Christmas. I ask everyone I know "What is your favorite Christmas memory?" The reason I ask everyone this is because not only does it make my heart melt its the way they look when they are describing it. You can see that person going back to that place in their heart! Penny told me about her favorite Christmas and tonight Ashlie told me about how she got the 3ft teddy bear once and she remembered the excitement in her heart when she saw it under the tree, and she wrote a poem to her grandparents for Christmas one year and when she read it to them they all shared a special Christmas moment of joy and love.
I love Christmas! Bottom line! LOL
So Merry Christmas to you and if you are reading this I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas filled with love, and special memories that you will keep in your heart forever.... what a gift, I must say.
21 days away if you decided against viewing the Christmas clock. I can't believe Christmas is right around the corner, and my surgery next Tuesday. I am starting to feel the stress of the two being weeks apart of each other. It just seems as if everything is crammed into this month. It's sort of funny if you think about it. I have more coasters to make before Tuesday for people who placed orders, I am half way through my Christmas list, I have a job interview on Monday, and surgery on Tuesday. LOL It's December madness!! Also, I am trying to quit smoking which makes me a little on the crazy side.
On a more peaceful note.... I don't think it's going to snow this year for Christmas. I wish it would! The snow makes everything look so beautiful! I can just picture myself all wrapped up in my warm clothes and big scarves with a huge cup of coffee and a crochet blanket sitting on the porch watching the snow flakes fall. Ahhhh.... that sounds so nice!
Well, I have a lot to do today. I need to get the house ready for my surgery and get some things together to mail out. I need to make a sympathy card for Penny's aunt who just lost her husband :( and I have a freezer bag of pecans that were picked at MoMo's that I want to mail to Aunt Kay and Uncle Brian.
So happy Friday!!!! I hope you have a good day and a nice weekend!!