These are a collection of shots I took when we lived at Little Lakes. This was the trail in the woods next to our apt. This was the same lake that Stephen and I took the boat out in when it was raining on us. I miss these woods.
Leandro and I used to go walking in there after work in the evenings sometime and watch the sun going down. When we first moved in, I took my Dad down the trail so he could see how neat it was. I can't even tell you how many times I used to walk that trail. Even one time I made a wish and through a penny in there. Leandro and I even camped out by the log in the picture above.
I often think how I would love to go back down this trail again and take some more pictures, and take the boat out, listen to my ipod while the sun goes down........ but I am afraid it just won't be the same as it used to be. Perhaps some trails are meant to be just that..... a trail to something else... or a pathway.
My memories are so very fond of this, I wouldn't want to cheapen or corrupt them by traveling down this trail again with feelings of sadness and longings.
I sure do miss this trail, it will forever be in my heart!